Sunday, March 6, 2011

What A Week!

This past week has been such a mess! Emotional ups and downs, and not very much sleep. Josiah turned 4 months and immediately started having night issues. He would wake up every couple of hours screaming bloody murder and it took forever to comfort him. He also didn't have very good days and would spend most of the day screaming as well unless he was being held (which sometimes even that didn't work!). My mom guessed that he was teething but I took him to the doctor anyway (thinking that maybe it was an ear infection) and they couldn't find anything wrong with him. So we just had to wait it out. I think it's a combination of reflux and teeth so I propped his bed and have been giving him colic medicine daily. Sometimes this helps and sometimes it doesn't. We've also moved on to some major CIO sessions. He's cried it out before but we are really pushing it now because we can't constantly hold him all day. The past couple of days he's cried himself to sleep 4 times (only crying for maybe 15-25 minutes) and I've learned that it's best to just lay him down and walk away. If I come back in to check on him while he's still awake then he starts all over. I also put a fan in his room for some noise which has helped a lot! After 1 week of night troubles we are somewhat back to normal.

We also tried rice cereal last week. However, all of the night troubles started right after we began rice cereal so I switched to barley thinking that it would help his tummy, but when the night troubles continued I decided to stop that as well. I am considering skipping cereal all together and just going straight to veggies around 5 months, or at least mixing cereal and veggies. He has a very sensitive tummy and I don't want to risk upsetting it with cereal again.

On top of the baby stress, Andrew and I have decided to move AGAIN. We have realized that our finances are just a little too much for us to handle and even though we've made many cuts and we try to manage our money well, in order to drastically change our financial situation we have to make drastic changes. That means, by mid-March our house will be up for sale and we will be house hunting for something smaller in Story City. By moving we will save lots of money on gas, on our mortgage, and also save lots of time that is taken away by commuting! There is a lot that God is doing for us and I am just trying to trust that He knows best! I love our home, but I can't dwell on these earthly treasures, I have to remember this is my temporary home. God has made it clear to me that no matter where I live I can make it into a home, even if it's smaller and not as nice as our current home.


  1. OH Yee Wondering this post really very nice your thought i like your idea .thanks for nice posting
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  2. oh my word! (or, copying the spam above, oh yee!) OUR NEW HOUSE IS IN STORY!!!!!!!!!! no matter where you end up living, we'll be neighbors since, you know, it's story city. you have no idea how excited this makes me! when will you be putting your house on the market?

    i'm sorry to hear stuff has been rough. and when you're in the midst of it, doesn't it feel like it's going to last FOREVER?!? especially when it comes to them sleeping, because when you're sleep deprived, it makes everything so much harder.

    it will pass soon - just think, you've already had him for four months! the days seem long, but the months go quickly, so just know this won't really last forever (even though it feels like it will).

  3. I think babies might (I might also be pulling this out of my butt) go through sleep regressions at around 4 months. And it stinks! Baby food is not going well for Cooper and he is 7 months old and isn't really interested, so I don't push it. Reflux sucks - both Eden and Coop had it and I recommend getting medicine for it because it will help soothe the burn that might be keeping him up (my kids were happy refluxers after 3 months, so we didn't use medicine).

    I will be praying that God will provide you with a buyer for your house quick and that you will be able to find another quickly as well.
