One thing you should know about me: I watched the BEST TV shows when I was a kid. A few of my favorites were: Full House, Little House on the Prairie and Boy Meets World. Although these shows can sometimes be really cheesy, what I love about them is that they are 1. very clean compared to the TV shows that are on these days and 2. they always have a life lesson to learn!
Being on maternity leave I've found myself watching more TV, which is a really bad habit of mine anyway and I really do try to have some quiet time or listen to the radio, but what I love about Direct TV is that I can watch all of these great shows that I used to watch when I was a kid!

When I was a kid I LOVED Stephanie. This is most likely because she was the middle child and so was I. It wasn't until I was older that I found out the actress Jodie Sweeten was a Meth user and pregnant, but thankfully I looked up to the "Stephanie" character and not Jodi. BTW: I'm watching Full House as I'm writing this!

Now who wouldn't want a Pa like this? He's strong, has lots of wisdom, is very humble, and always comes to the rescue! When I was younger and in Girl Scouts we went to Missouri to visit where Laura lived, tour her home, and visit her grave. It was a really neat experience and makes the TV Show and books so meaningful. I've been reading the Little House on the Prairie series while on maternity leave since I didn't take advantage of this when I was a kid.

And then there is Cory and Topanga, the childhood sweethearts that made us girls wish we had a "Cory" of our own (and also a cool name like Topanga, ha!). I remember when I was young I thought I needed to find my life-long love as a child so we could go to all the dances together, go to college together, and ultimately get married just like Cory and Topanga did. Boy did I make the mistake of dating way too many guys in high school and thinking they were "the one" for me. I'm glad God had other plans and gave me the perfect man for me!
Funny story-I asked my husband for the DVD series of Boy Meets World once for Christmas and he laughed at me and said the show was a joke. Obviously he didn't have the same fantasy I did. He also came home one day recently to find me watching Little House on the Prairie and laughed at me. That's when I also confessed to him that I enjoy watching The Waltons. Am I just plain weird?
NO! I LOVE ALL THESE SHOWS! and i'm so glad you're reading through the books - i find myself reading the series about once a year even now. hope you enjoy!