Thursday, January 27, 2011

Favorite Fridays:FRIENDS

Growing up I fell in love with the show FRIENDS. I remember the first episode I watched was the one where Rachel realizes she likes Ross and goes to the airport to meet him but he comes off the plane with Julie. After watching that episode, I HAD to keep watching to see if Ross and Rachel ended up together. I've spent the past 10 years collecting all of the seasons and it was my husband who finally bought me the 10th season a couple years ago. Sine then, I think I've watched the entire show from beginning to end over a dozen times. My friends and family love to quote some of the hilarious moments from the show! Here are some of my favorite:

Rachel: Can you take care of Emma just for today?
Ross: Sure, just lend me your breasts and we'll be on our way.

Phoebe: Hey. Why isn't it Spidermen? You know, like Goldmen, Silvermen.
Chandler: Because, it... it's not his last name.
Phoebe: It isn't?
Chandler: No. It's not like Phil Spidermen. He's a spider *man*. You know, like Goldmen is a last name but there's no gold man.
Phoebe: Oh, oh okay...
Phoebe: There should *be* a gold man!

Joey: Anyway, I started working on what I'm gonna say at the ceremony, you wanna hear it?
Monica, Chandler: Yeah!
Joey: Now, listen, it's just the first draft so... "We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to celebrate the special love that Monica and Chandler share. It is a love based on giving and receiving, as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have and receive."

Chandler: How can I dump this woman on Valentine's Day?
Joey: I don't know. You dumped her on New Year's.
Chandler: Oh man. In my next life I'm comin' back as a toilet brush.
[Janice enters Central Perk]
Janice: [to Chandler] Hello Funny Valentine.
Chandler: Hello, Just Janice.

Joey: All right they got water, orange juice, and what looks like cider.
[takes a glass from the fridge]
Chandler: Taste it.
Joey: [drinks from the glass and puts it back in the fridge] Yep, it's fat. I drank fat.
Chandler: Yeah, I know, I did that two minutes ago.

Joey: You think I need a new walk?
Chandler: What?
Joey: Well I've had the same walk since high school and you know how when a guy walks into a room and everybody takes notice. I think I need a 'take notice' walk.
Chandler: Are you actually saying these words?

Chandler: Is she crazy?
Phoebe: Like a straw. Remember crazy straws? (waves arms frantically)

Ross: You know, we should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that's half human, half *pure evil*!

Rachel: ...How many centimeters am I dilated? Eight? Nine?
Dr Long: Three.
Ross: Just three? I'm dilated three!

Joey: Oh! Sorry... did I get you?
Chandler: NO, you didn't Get me! It's an electric drill! You Get me, you Kill me!

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