Sunday, March 20, 2011

That Darn Cold!

Josiah has been fighting his first cold this past week. Andrew and I are both incredibly sleep deprived because Josiah is so hoarse that we can't even hear him cry. This means he has to sleep in the Pack n Play in our room so I can hear him better and get to him faster when he wakes up at night. First it was reflux keeping him up at night and now this? How will we EVER teach him to self soothe if he has all these physical issues keeping him up at night? Even with his cold he's so hard to comfort. He cried for an hour and a half the other night before I finally decided to nurse him and the instant I put him to my breast he fell asleep (but of course as soon as I laid him down he wanted to be picked up again!). He is up a lot at night with this cold and when he cries he coughs a lot. I've called the doctor and they've made it clear that as long as he's breathing and doesn't have a fever that there's nothing they can do. I feel like I've done everything I can...went to the chiropractor, spent time in the steamy bathroom with the shower on, turned up the humidifier, gave him saline drops for his nose, kept him propped up (we do this anyway for reflux), and I even got some All Natural Cold and Flu drops to give him. Anyone have other suggestions for fighting this cold, or at least to calm this first time mother's worries? He has a lot of chest congestion which scares me because he could end up with pneumonia, bronchitis, or my mom has me worried that it's whooping cough (eeek!).

1 comment:

  1. It's not what you want to hear BUT you have done/are doing what you can. There really isn't anything to do for colds other then make them as comfortable as possible. We used to give Nathaniel tylenol and watered down gaterade or pediasure. Babies get sick and we want to fix it but usually can't! Good luck!
