Saturday, July 23, 2011

Children's Cold and Flu Relief

Josiah often gets runny noses. Probably because he is in day care where there are so many germs floating around. The past week he has had a very runny nose, yet thankfully no ear infection. He may also be teething which means lots of drool too. When Josiah was getting cold after cold after cold earlier this year our Chiropractor recommended Children's Cold and Flu Relief. It's a natural homeopathic medicine by NaturaBio that is GREAT for when that nose is on the run! What I love about this stuff is that 1) it's all natural, 2) it's a non-alcohol formula, 3) it doesn't have lots of awful medicine that you are pouring into your child's system, and 4) you can use it as much as you need! You can give it every 20 minutes until symptoms improve and then every 4 hours after that. It's awesome, and it works very fast. I have never had to give him more than 2 doses and typically by then his runny nose is gone. It's also good for sore throats, nausea, vomiting, sneezing, headache and body aches. This is one medicine that I will forever keep stocked in my cabinet, and if you find your little ones needing something like this often then I would definitely give it a try! It's the most comfortable I've felt about giving my child any sort of medicine in a long time!

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