Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Power Outage

Last Sunday at about 3:30 a.m. Andrew and I woke up to a major storm outside. We didn't think anything of it and decided to go back to sleep. Little did we know that right in our backyard the transformer was blowing out from a tree falling on it and cords were flying everywhere in the 60-70 mph winds! We really should have been in the basement where it was safe, but instead we decided to sleep the night away.

Thankfully I woke up at 6:45 a.m. and realized that the power was out because Andrew had to get up to lead worship at church that morning. We figured the power would be back on in a couple hours, but here we are 2 1/2 days later and we JUST got power back! On Sunday night we decided to sleep in the basement on an air mattress so we could stay cool. I was very anxious and paranoid because I know how many bugs are down there so I really didn't sleep well. I woke up Monday morning feeling awful and had a horrible back ache. I vaguely thought I might have been feeling contractions as well because I was unusually crampy in front. I took it easy at work and tried to do lots of stretches but even today I am still really sore. We slept in our own bed last night because it was cool enough with the windows open, but this morning I woke up and had some shooting pains on the front, left side of my tummy. I'm hoping it is just my digestive system acting up and not really anything serious with the pregnancy.

Today I got home from work and the power was back on! Yay! However, after two days with no power that means we have to dump everything in our refrigerator and freezer (it was pretty nasty). Ice cream had melted all over the freezer and there was definitely some meat in there that was a little too squishy. The good thing is that I had been meaning to clean out the refrigerator for a while now and this was a good excuse for me to do that. Now that the power is back on, I am taking full advantage of no longer being Amish! Got the TV on, put the candles and lantern away, and I am now (obviously) catching up on the internet!

1 comment:

  1. Yay to having power back! I'm not an expert but sounds like possible braxton hicks! Mine started early and didn't let up, it was good practice for labor pains.
