Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Rolls

Yesterday was Josiah's 4 month doctor's appointment. Josiah is 16 lbs. 12 oz., which is a lot less than we were expecting, but he is super long at 26 inches. Apparently he has a "flat head" so we are supposed to have him sit up more. This is probably because he spends a lot of time laying on the floor playing or in his swing. Last night we started rice cereal and he loved it! Josiah slept for 9 solid hours last night before waking up to eat again, yay! However, despite all of this news, there was a moment at the doctor's office yesterday that I was completely grossed out.

You know how you have to strip your baby down to their diaper for the examination? Well, after stripping Josiah down I noticed something in his armpit. I lifted up his arm to find some very yellow, very smelly dead skin inside his armpit roll. I quickly took a kleenex to clean him off and then checked the other armpit to find the same thing! It was SO GROSS! And then I started thinking "maybe he has the same thing in all of his rolls" so I started exploring (I know that sounds weird) but I found MORE in his chin rolls! EWW! Not only that but I got some on my hands and they smelled the rest of the day. Please don't think that I never bathe my child...he gets a bath every other day. In fact, he had a bath the night before! I guess I wasn't doing a very good job of "really" cleaning him. Unfortunately last night I was too busy to give him a bath so he had to be smelly all day today. I made sure to clean ALL of his rolls tonight in the bath tub and powdered him up really good. I think he is finally a clean boy!


  1. Oh my gosh that is hilarious! Well at least he didn't smell. He always smells good.

  2. i had the same thing happen at one of atticus' appointments...only the doctor found it...and it was inside a flap of skin on his i basically looked like a mom who didn't ever wipe her kid's butt!

    it is SO FUNNY that your hands smelled the whole day. well, probably funny in hindsight, but maybe not as funny at the time?

    he's a BIG boy! you should post some more pictures soon!

  3. I have that problem with Foster almost every other day...since he was about 2 months old...He even gets it behind his ears! I put diaper rash cream in his pits and under his chin to help keep it dry cause his rolls hold in the moisture.
