Sunday, February 13, 2011

Probiotics and Diet Changes

Did you know that a healthy digestive system contains approximately 2 lbs. of good bacteria? Well, let me be the first to say that my digestive system definitely doesn't have enough good baterica because I've been suffering from far too many digestive issues for about 3 1/2 years now. I have IBS, chronic gastritis, GERD, and I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my gallbladder. I've been to a GI and am on medication for acid reflux, IBS and I take Lactase supplements for my lactose intolerance, however I am STILL suffering. At one point in time I had myself convinced that I'd be suffering with these issues for the rest of my life, but I am desperate for a change. SO, not only have I decided to go mostly gluten free, but I'm also taking daily probiotics (Align) and I've made some other diet changes.

As you know, I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my second brain (my gut) so I can address these digestive issues that I've been suffering from for years. I've already determined that I'm lactose intolerant so I've been cutting out a lot of dairy from my diet, which actually makes for a happier baby since he suffers a lot when I have too much dairy. I have to keep reminding myself that I really can't overdue it with dairy (I LOVE ice cream) or I need to be prepared to suffer the consequences of horrible gas pains all night long. I no longer drink milk except on cereal and I only eat cheese in moderation. When I steer clear of dairy I feel lots better, just not 100%.

I've also decided to go the gluten free route. Have you ever walked through a gluten free section in a grocery store? SO EXPENSIVE! Since Andrew and I can't afford for me to buy gluten free foods I have moved on to making my own gluten free flour mixture and homemade gluten free goods. It's a mixture of masa harina, soy flour (which I will replace with sorghum flour once I run out), corn starch, and rice flour. I've made some pretty good brownies with this flour mixture and I plan to keep experimenting so I can make more home baked goods!

One thing I am still looking for is a healthy/easy bread recipe. I did some research and found out that sourdough bread is really good for you because the yeast is made through a natural process in a sourdough bread starter. I attempted to make some sourdough bread starter this last week but it didn't work out this first round (I'm pretty sure it got moldy after I forgot to feed it once). I plan to give it another shot next week.

Over all, I have been feeling lots better. The probiotics have really helped my IBS and if I am careful with my diet, avoid overeating, and don't eat really late at night then I generally feel really good. I'm not ready to try stopping my acid reflux meds quite yet, but I desperately hope to really soon!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried almond milk? I love almond milk (if you get the vanilla kind it tastes like a vanilla milk shake) and Eden drinks it since she is lactose sensitive right now. You could also make your own lactose-free milk (a lot cheaper than lactaid - A LOT).

    A diet I am hoping to try is the anti-inflammatory diet. It helps a lot with skin problems and my skin goes from good to bad depending on so many things.

    I hope this all works out well for you!
