Wednesday, April 27, 2011


In a matter of 13 days Josiah had one ear infection, went through 10 days of antibiotics, went back to the doctor with no more ear infection, and woke up this morning with a double ear infection! MAJOR STINK! I wish our bodies would just heal naturally, but he only got worse when we tried to fever it out and use milk drops in his ears (since I'm breastfeeding I can put a couple drops of milk in his ears every few hours to help reduce infection). So, it was another trek to the doctor and now he's starting a new antibiotic for another 10 days. Poor little boy!!

I just can't help but think how much healthier my little boy would be if he didn't go to day care. Who knows how many germs and illness' are floating around there! I wish I could find a way for me to stay home, or even work part time and find an inexpensive nanny (but really who would want to get paid less than $20 a day?). I can't afford much more than that!

God has done a lot for us in the past month. We randomly decided to put our house on the market so we could move to Story City, and within 18 days our house sold (that was an Easter gift that God gave us!) and he found us an affordable place to live. He is also in the works of helping Andrew go commercial with his coffee business (totally a blessing from God!). In less than a month we'll be moving and hopefully we'll start saving $400/month on gas and housing. Maybe I will pray that God provides even more for us so that at the end of the summer I can stay home full time with Josiah! I have hope that he will...He IS the God of the impossible!

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."


  1. have you tried putting onion juice in his ears? that sometimes (not always) works for us. or hydrogen peroxide.

    it would be SWEET if you could stay home! it would be great to know another SAHM in town. congrats on selling the house!!!!!!

  2. Sorry Josiah has another ear infection. Eden had chronic ear infections and just had a nasty one. Their little ears just don't always drain as well as we would like.

    Congratulations on selling your house!!!! What a blessing! And let me tell you, God answered my many, many prayers to stay home. It hasn't always been easy but those sacrifices are totally worth it.
