Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sickly Bubby

My little Bubby is sickly this week. It was our last week at day care and as a going away gift they gave Josiah a horrible, miserable stomach virus. He came home Tuesday with a temp of 101.2 and by the next morning it had gone up to 102.2. We headed to the doctor thinking it was an ear infection, given his past with ear infections, but his ears were fine. The doctor said (might I add without telling me that he had a virus) "he's going to be sick for a while." I responded "well can you tell me what's actually wrong with him then?" The doctor said it was a virus and that it would last a few days. I almost wish it had been an ear infection because then at least there was something I could do for him to get rid of this illness. So we were sent home to endure this awful virus and high fever.

Josiah took a good nap yesterday afternoon (a whole 2 1/2 hours!) but that was after I laid with him in my bed and pat him to sleep. He refused to eat dinner and by bed time his temp was 103! Wowza was I freaked out. I gave him some Tylenol and rocked him to sleep. This morning his temp was still 103 and he started vomiting. I had to stop all food and only nurse him and have him sip on Pedialite. He seems to be doing a little better after having some Tylenol and a really big diaper (he actually crawled around and played for a bit) but now that the Tylenol is wearing off his temp is shooting back up and he's fussy again. If he's not better by tomorrow he's going back to the doctor to see what's going on. Hopefully he gets better soon, not only for his sake but for mommy and daddy. This weekend we were going to send Josiah to grandma and grandpas so we could have a weekend away but we aren't sure if that will happen if he's not better. We'll keep praying for good health!!

Side Note: I don't like the new scanning thermometers at the doctor's office. I had taken an underarm temp and got 101.2 (without the added degree) and Josiah's temp only came up as 100.3 at the doctor. It was even higher when we got home after the doctor so I know that wasn't right. We use the same scanners at the day care and you can never get the same temp twice.

1 comment:

  1. Im not a fan of the scanners either! Hope he gets better soon. Its awful when they are sick and you feel helpless. A cheaper version ofpedialyte is watered down gatorade,nate goes through alot of it will sick and it can get pricey.
