You know those mornings when you wake up, have your cup of coffee and think to yourself "hmm...this will be a good day" and then all of a sudden your day does a complete 180 and you think to yourself "Lord, get me through this!" and it just keeps getting worse and worse? Well, today was one of those days!
Bubby decided to wake up at 5:45 this morning, not sure why, but at 6:15 I decided to end the crying and get him up. He was a big grump (but trying to stay positive I just prayed that he would take a good morning nap). I thought 45 minutes of a nap was decent when he woke up, but turns out...he was still a big grump. We had to leave to go visit my grandma so I had hopes that his spirits would turn and maybe 1. he would be a happy boy for his great grandma, or 2. he would take a nap when we got there and THEN be a happy boy for his great grandma. However, neither of those happened. He was just a BIG GRUMP. I tried nursing him, rocking him, playing with him, feeding him lots of food, and nothing worked. It was not awful.
At 11:30 (after letting him cry for 25 minutes in the pack n play) we had to take off for a chiropractor appointment. Which by the way...never schedule an appointment during your child's nap time! I am SO BAD at this! I never ever think about his nap time when scheduling things and today I definitely learned my lesson. Bubby fell asleep immediately in the car and then I had to wake him up 20 minutes later when we got to the chiropractor, which meant he was a big grump at his appointment. Then I had to schedule him a doctors appointment (since his eye has been looking red/puffy and I wanted to avoid any weekend trips to the doctor) and since we were already in town I asked for the first appointment they had available. It was unfortunately an hour wait, so what did I do for an hour with my grumpy child? I drove around...for an he could nap and stay asleep in the car. It was not fun. Do you know how much road kill there is in Ames? I think I saw the majority of it today, including innards of a little rabbit spewed all over the road (sorry, probably too much info). And there is TONS of construction, which was super annoying. Thankfully I didn't run into any trains. There was one time that I did pull over at a park, rolled down the windows and rested my eyes a bit, but I drove the majority of the time.
After an hour we headed to the doctor to find out Josiah doesn't have pink eye (thank the Lord!) but instead a bacterial infection in his eye. The doctor thinks he may have gotten something in his eye and then it got infected, so now he is on antibiotics (so glad it's not contagious!). Well, after the doctor we headed to the pharmacy, which meant another small nap on the way there and then a screaming kiddo in the stroller as we walked through the store for 15 minutes while they filled his prescription. By the way...did I mention that I hadn't had lunch yet? So it was about 2:30 in the afternoon and I was starving. Bubby wailed the majority of the way home (probably because it had been 5 hours since he had eaten as well!).
When we got home I thought maybe things would lighten up. I nursed him, gave him his snack and then laid him down in hopes that maybe he would actually get a decent nap. But he refused and cried and cried and cried some more. And the stinky part is that we were heading to some friend's home tonight for dinner and I really wanted him to be in a good mood. So the evening was really not that good. I barely got to eat my dinner or talk with my friends. All in all, it was really nice when he went to bed tonight. I couldn't be happier to have him asleep and to have the day behind me!
Lessons I learned today:
1. Never schedule an appointment during your child's nap time
2. Impromptu trips to the doctor should be avoided, especially if you are breastfeeding and able to use breast milk as a temporary antibiotic
3. Pack a bottle! (being able to feed Bubby while waiting for his prescription would have made things easier)
4. Driving around to keep your child asleep is a good alternative to keeping them up, even if it means seeing gross road kill, getting caught in construction, and using extra gas
5. Pack a snack for yourself when leaving for the day, especially water!
*What are your suggestions on being prepared for impromptu days when things just don't go as planned?
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