On Sunday my little Bubby will be One Year old!! I can't believe we've made it a whole year! I remember when he was born and we were battling colic, reflux, breastfeeding issues, little sleep, and a fussy baby. I kept asking everyone "how much longer will this go on?" and everyone said different things:
wait till he's 6 weeks old, he'll be different baby12 weeks is when things really start to settle downat 6 months you'll see changes9 months is the best agethe first year is always the hardest...and you know what? I agree, the first year IS the hardest, especially with your first child. But God has totally blessed me with a beautiful little boy who loves to laugh and play and be tossed around and eat!

Bubby currently has 3 teeth (the 3rd one popping through just a few days ago, which may have explained the recent battle with diaper rash). He weighs probably around 25 lbs. and he's very close to walking. He'll take off with his walker across the room, but if he gets stuck then he has a big meltdown. He's also known for going from room to room and throwing everything he can on the floor. He still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps about 11-12 hours a night (this is awesome!). He can sign "all done," "more," maybe "drink" but I'm not sure if he quite gets it yet, and he loves to play SO BIG!
Cute Baby and beautiful smile on face. beautiful looking and Good Family
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