Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Alive!

Last week Andrew and I had our first baby appointment with the midwife. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and it was AMAZING! I was starting to question whether there was actually a baby in there, especially when it took several minutes to find the heartbeat! Turns out baby is floating pretty high up in my uterus. The heartbeat was 162 which is our first hint that maybe it is a girl! We plan to find out the sex of the baby which will most likely take place in June when I am around 20 weeks.

I am currently 13 weeks and just heading into my 2nd trimester. Food is starting to taste better and I don't get nauseous nearly as much anymore, only when I get really hungry. I'm still pretty
tired but it's probably from the stress of moving and work. My belly is small but I am starting to actually look pregnant. I've had some people give me pregnancy clothes and I have another gal who is going to let me scope out her garage sale for pregnancy clothes in the next couple weeks! Either way I'm going to need some pregnancy pants soon-the belly band just doesn't cut it sometimes!

Andrew and I will officially be moving in to our new house next Sunday! I have lots of packing to do before then. We are also going to be heading to the Isle Of Palms in South Carolina in mid May and I can't wait! Vacation will be so great-especially when it involves sitting on the beach next to the ocean!


  1. I live in South Carolina! The beaches are beautiful, you will love it!

    I love that your doing the green, natural and midwife thing. So different from how I knew you when I was around there.

    Glad your symptoms are easing up. The nauseous when starving seems to run in almost all pregnancies.

  2. Nice to meet you :)

    Good luck with your upcoming move and take it easy, make the guys do the lifting which they should be doing anyway.

    Have a nice vacation and I love the ocean too. Live right on the harbor!

  3. Awww...congrats!! Sounds like it could be a girl to me too. Glad your nausea is starting to dwindle away...look forward to your updates! :)

    Following you with both of my blogs now.

  4. Do you need any help with moving on Sunday? I might be able to come and help if you need it.

  5. Let me know when you have a baby registry up so I can send you some stuff!

    Aww isn't Rachel the best big sister? Being an Aunt is going to be so much fun for her!

  6. Rachel, I actually won't be helping move because I have a Pampered Chef show at Bethie's that afternoon. If you want to come to the show though Bethie wanted me to invite you!

  7. I LOVE hearing the baby heartbeats...that was always my favorite! Well. Okay, ultrasounds rock too.
