Friday, April 30, 2010

Pregnancy Burdens

Before getting pregnant I didn't quite realize how much my body would change once I became pregnant-physically, emotionally, and even mentally! Examples:

-Getting acne in my ears!!!

-Having to go to the bathroom more than once in an hour! And several times in the middle of the night-which cuts into my sleeping time!

-Really weird dreams!

-Crying a lot, especially when people make me angry!

-Random insomnia!

-Not being able to breathe after going up 2 flights of stairs!

-Searching for my keys when they are in the ignition AND the car is running-when does baby brain kick in?? Or looking for my phone when I'm holding it in my hand.

-Swollen/Sore feet!


-And even getting into the "protective mode" when I think my baby is in danger-like when kids try to kick or hit me in the belly at the daycare! I get very upset!

I am officially 14 weeks now and into the 2nd trimester! I am really excited to start showing and hopefully to feel the baby moving in the next month! I am majorly stressed with packing and moving this weekend, plus I am working all evening tonight and all day tomorrow-which means I have to be away from my hubby for the night! I am anxious for maternity leave once the baby comes because I won't have to worry about work at all and I can just focus on my wonderful family!!!


  1. A few things I forgot:

    -Bloody Noses

    -I totally ran a stop sign on my road the other day! I drive on that road all the time and somehow I managed not to stop!

    -Having to eat so much-I eat just about every 2 hours and if I don't get full then I have to keep on eating!

  2. only gets better! Baby brain is almost immediate A, you will be talking and forget your point in the middle of a sentence. It's crazy! Might just be a girl if your getting acne, the old wives tales say 'boys let you keep your beauty and girls take it away'. My peeing eased up the second semester, the second one is the BEST one. There may be nights you make it through without getting up. My third I was up and down and up and down. But of course (as you will hear 700,000 times) it's all worth it! And lastly your so tiny it should be really easy to feel the baby. It starts out like a flutter, you don't know if it's indigestion or the baby but then you know! Glad your enjoying pregnancy!

  3. Oh, next week I will have an all natural/organic babyfood giveaway. I will tell Rach to let you know when it's up so you can enter!

  4. Well, I have hear the exact oposite of what "Babes" said...girls give beauty and boys take it away...i had a ton of acne with Noah, but not so much this time...but we have no idea what we are having either, so maybe the "every pregnancy is different" is just the truth. I am excited for you guys coming up this weekend. Randomly, I ran into Andrew today in wloo which was funny. And, I have also ran stop signs this time...however I thought it was because the snow was all gone, and didn't really relate it with pregnancy...Oh, and I keep meaning to ask you if you will have your 2 may shows submitted by the 15th? Cause I am not sure if you have seen it or not, but that new product is pretty awesome!
