Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Ever since Andrew and I got married we have been trying to find frugal/green ways to live. I started making my own laundry detergent about a year and a half ago. I haven't been staying on top of making it since we moved into our new apartment but I plan to start up again once we move into our new house. I have also recycled foam pump bottles and I refill them with a large jug of hand soap for our bathrooms/kitchen. We've had that jug of hand soap for almost a year now and it's still 3/4 of the way full! I am also in the process of using up/getting rid of our more toxic cleaning products and replacing them with items like baking soda, vinegar, and Green Work's products. Andrew and I also used to be really good at eating organic fruits, vegetables and meats-but of course neither of us really enjoy cooking in our small kitchen so we haven't been doing a very good job with that either. The good thing is that we have a huge area for a garden in the backyard of our new house and we plan to have an organic vegetable garden! I'm really excited about that. However, with a baby on the way I would really like to step it up a notch in using more "green products" or money saving ideas. I plan to use cloth diapers and cloth wipes once baby arrives. Do you have more ideas to make it "easy to be green"?


  1. I started using Greenworks when I was pregnant and love it! I would recommend getting Seventh Generation diapers (disposables) just as a back up/just in case. Cloth can be inconvienent occasionally and they are cholrine free and made of some recycled materials. Also I have read that the new bamboo lined cloth diapers are more absorbant then the regular fleece lined. There is an Esty shop 'punk rock momma', she is a reader of mine she makes cloth wipes and has had really good reviews.

    How do you make your own laudry soap?

  2. allison,

    congrats on the baby!!! i had no idea! that's awesome.

    i go to dr. jorgensen at family chiropractic here in ames. i'm not sure what the number is right off the top of my head, but i could get it to you. he's AWESOME.

    i'd also LOVE to chat with you sometime about frugal/green living - i've tried to transition to a lot of that since getting married as well and it's so fun to talk about! let me know if you're up for it!

    how far along are you?

  3. That would be awesome Paige! I am just reaching 12 weeks. I can already tell my energy is coming back and food is starting to taste better! I may consider going to the chiropractor!

    Babes Mami-I have a little tub (not sure of the size off the top of my head) but I shred a bar of soap, add about 2 cups of baking soda, and about a cup of oxy clean (I'm trying to find a replacement for the oxy clean...just not sure what!) I put about a tablespoon of the mixture in the wash along with a downy ball-the fabric softener adds to the smell and then I don't have to use dryer sheets!
