Saturday, June 18, 2011


I'm not usually one for sharing too much personal information, but this was probably the most interesting thing that happened to me all week so I thought I'd share.

Last night I woke up and felt a little crampy in my gut, you ladies know what I mean. I haven't had my monthly visitor for a year and a half now because of 1. being pregnant and 2. breastfeeding (thank you Jesus for that wonderful break!) but my midwife told me most mothers get it back after 6 months. So for the past month and a half I've been waiting and waiting for it to come. Well, last night I got up to go the bathroom and saw blood all over and assumed that my monthly visitor had returned. I was so excited that I even woke Andrew up and told him because lately I've been very emotional and I thought Andrew would want to know that it was the PMS. Boy was I wrong! I woke up this morning and there was so much blood and burning (making me realize that this was not really my monthly visitor) and instead was a urinary tract infection. I went into Urgent Care and the lab tech couldn't even test my "sample" because it was pure blood (not so cool!). They assumed that it was just a UTI and put me on antibiotics. The nice thing is that after that first dose, I no longer had any issues! I'm so glad it wasn't anything more serious!

1 comment:

  1. You are very lucky that you have not gotten Lady Lovely back. I was never that lucky with either of my kids.

    But the peeing blood - not cool! The only time I peed blood was when I was pregnant with Eden and it was my first UTI ever. I freaked out but the meds did their job:-) Get better soon!
