Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our Daily Schedule

Our house is pretty routine these days. Now that Bubby is sleeping through the night and taking 2 decent naps a day we have a schedule that we seem to follow.

6:45 a.m.-Bubby usually wakes up. Remember how he used to wake up at 5:30 a.m.? Yeah, not anymore!
7 a.m.-Bubby has a bottle.
No more nursing, he's all formula!
7:30 a.m.-Breakfast.
I try to eat at the same time he does, but this doesn't always happen, often I'm putting dishes away from the night before, washing dishes, or packing my bag for the day.
Then Bubby plays till he's ready for a nap. This is usually between 8:30 and 9 and he'll sleep about 30-60 minutes.
10:15 a.m.-Snack and 2nd bottle.
Then Bubby plays some more till it's time for lunch!
11:30 a.m.-Lunch
12:00 p.m.-Afternoon Nap. Bubby usually naps for 2-3 hours, this is sooo nice!
When Bubby wakes up he has a snack and his 3rd bottle and then we play some more and take a walk.
5:00 p.m.-Dinner for Bubby, with a bath to follow at least every other day. Sometimes we will try and push him till 5:30 so he can eat dinner with us, but he doesn't always make it and we'll end up putting him in the high chair anyway.
6:00 p.m.- Bubby's 4th and final bottle.
7/7:30 p.m.-Bedtime

In the morning's Bubby has been doing a really great job of playing on the floor by himself. I usually sit on the floor and play with him, but I tend to start off by reading from the Bible and writing in my journal while he's playing. If he gets fussy and wants me to play then I will put off my God Time until his morning nap.

During naps I like to be productive...most of the time! I have to force myself to stay up during the majority of his afternoon nap because if I lay down I will most likely zonk out until he wakes up! I always try to make the bed (because if I don't then it won't get made until right before I go to bed), do the dishes, clean up toys, put any laundry away or start any new loads, and do one cleaning project (sweeping/mopping floors, wiping down bathroom, vacuuming, etc). That way the housework is always caught up. On days when I am working my Aunt usually does some of this for me (SO AWESOME!) so when I come home I don't have to do anything but relax!

Since the weather has been so nice this Fall we've been taking multiple walks a day. We typically go before lunch time and either before or after dinner. I try to go around 3 and 4 p.m. because that is one of the most boring times of day (not quite dinner time...yet you've been playing all day), plus it keeps me from watching shows like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz which can sometimes be rather addictive for me. Not that I enjoy Dr. Phil that much's mostly just to waist time.

I am so glad Bubby goes to bed early because that gives Hubby and I some alone time. We enjoy watching movies and are currently going through the Bourne series. We finished all of The Lord of the Rings a couple weeks ago. We usually end our day with some ice cream and a glass of wine as well. Our bed time is usually 10 or 10:30 so we typically get a good 3 hours of hang out time!

I've learned that routines are really great for young kids. When Bubby went to the daycare there was no routine, especially for eating and sleeping! He is so much happier these days and I actually enjoy being with him. When he goes to bed I sneak in and pet him or give him kisses because I miss him being awake! He's also learning a ton! He can now sign "more" and "all done" and we are currently working on "drink" which he's only done once. I don't think he quite knows what they all mean, but he will soon! Also, having a routine makes planning things so much easier! I can plan appointments, play dates, and outings without having to worry about interfering with his nap or eating schedule.

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