Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life is Quiet

Life has been slowing down more lately. It's interesting how I wanted to be home more and now that I am I get bored so easily. My home is full of lots of peace right now, it helps when Bubby is napping and the washing machine isn't running.

I had several houses that I usually cleaned for fall through this month and I am left with being at home more. I'm not complaining, but when the bed is made, laundry is done, dishes all clean, and the house in general is picked up I find it hard to find things to do. I can see why stay at home mom's go to so many play groups, they need the social time! So, here's what I've been filling my time with:

1. Organizing
*I've managed to get Bubby's room, the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom organized!

2. Trying New Recipes
*Zesty Italian Cream Cheese Chicken
*Tex Mex Roll-Ups
*Baked Oatmeal
*One Pot Goulash
*Pumpkin Oatmeal

3. Reading lots of books to Bubby
*He's in this new phase of wanting to read the same books over and over again. It's starting to bother me a little so after reading one book 10 times I casually slip it behind the couch so he can't find it. Don't worry...I pull them out for the next day!

4. Running errands during the day
*It's AMAZING how quickly you can grocery shop at 10 a.m. compared to 4 p.m.! Smaller lines, less people, and more variety!

5. Watching more TV
*This probably isn't the best thing. I'm in the middle of reading The Fellowship of the Ring but I am a super slow reader and usually only read 2-3 pages a day (on average!). Days when I am home I like to watch Rachael Ray and sometimes Dr. Oz. With Bubby, I like to watch The Cat in the Hat, Arthur, and Martha Speaks (super cute!). We also watch Wheel of Fortune just about every evening. Plus, Hubby is taking me through the seasons of LOST and I am really getting into it. It's hard to not watch an episode during the day. There are so many other shows I would watch regularly but since we don't have cable I have to load them on Hulu, like Project Runway All Stars, Last Man Standing, Once Upon A Time, and I would really like to start watching Downton Abbey. You're probably thinking "wow...that's a lot of TV" but really I don't watch all of that every day.

6. Home Business
*I'm also busy working on my home business and trying to expand my network of people. I have a feeling God has a lot in store for me and I'm really excited to see where this business takes me. It's also a blessing to be able to work from home the majority of the time.

We will see what God does in the next few months. I am praying and relying on God that he will sustain us and help us to flourish like the olive trees he talks about in Psalms. I read them almost daily and it is a constant reminder that God is on my side!

1 comment:

  1. It is a big adjustment when you stay home full time. I am glad that you are using the time to read to your little guy though I remember the "read it again!" days all too well. I wish you success with your business and finding your new rhythm.

