Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Big Move
I took a few days off of work to get settled into our new place and I'm already feeling like we are at home. I thought the transition would be much harder, but I'm actually enjoying rearranging and organizing. Most of our apartment has been updated but there are some parts that are "still in progress" and will be under construction throughout the next year. For instance, we have some crummy hard wood floor in our bedroom and it won't be carpeted until Christmas break so we had to lay a bunch of rugs all over. There is also lots of trim work to do, especially in Josiah's room. He will hopefully be crawling in the next couple of months and the last thing I want is him digging into the pealing paint chips and enjoying a not so good snack.
On that note, Josiah has not transitioned very well. He hasn't been sleeping well and since I've been stressed and fighting an upper respiratory/sinus infection for about 2 weeks now my milk supply has decreased a lot. That makes for a very hungry boy in the middle of the night too. We are all adjusting to these changes and I continue to pray for some relief from all of these sleeping/eating issues with Josiah. Everyone keeps telling me that around 9 months things will really smooth out, so Lord please make these next 2 months go fast!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Oh the Sweet Sweet Sounds...
...of Father and Son at play! Josiah has started giggling, and although he doesn't do it often it is still one of the cutest sounds in the world! I have tried to make him laugh and have been rather unsuccessful. That must be daddy's special gift!
Friday, May 6, 2011
From The Desk of Sir Andrew
My lovely husband has been asking me for a pick-up truck ever since we got married. He’d always lay out a list of reasons why we needed one and I would always shoot him down. After almost 4 years of turning him down, I finally gave in and have allowed my husband to purchase a pick-up truck. It wasn’t until I saw this [well thought out] proposal sitting on the kitchen table that I finally agreed:
Proposal to Allison, most esteemed and lovely wife:
On the matter of the machine known as a “pick-up truck,”
Thine humble, handsome, husband makes the following proposition:
That thy humble, handsome husband may look for a “pick-up truck” which shall:
a) not exceed 3500-4000 dollars
b) be an automatic, and therefore drivable by the esteemed and lovely wife
c) be four-wheel-drive
d) have the ability to haul a trailer without the addition of any parts to said “pick-up truck”
The following conditions will be accepted by thy humble, handsome husband:
a) should the financial need arise, thy husband shall willing part with said “pick-up truck” or “jetta buddy” depending upon need, condition, and value of said machines
b) thy humble, handsome husband shall surrender all Christmas and birthday money for the following year back to the savings from which the truck was paid for
c) thy humble, handsome husband shall not purchase any said “pick-up truck” that the esteemed and lovely wife has not driven, or passed on the opportunity to drive first
d) thy humble, handsome husband shall not purchase any said “pick-up truck” until he FOR SURE has a place to roast coffee
e) thy humble, handsome husband shall continue to love the most esteemed and lovely wife more than any “pick-up truck” regardless of how “cool” said machine might be.
It was so good, I immediately gave my permission and even removed some of the “conditions” that my humble and handsome husband thought of. It only took 3 days for him to find a truck that he wanted and starting next week we will be official owners of a pick-up truck.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Finally Feel Like Living
As I look over my life, I can say I have TONS of regrets, and maybe that's how it is for lots of people, but I especially find myself thinking about these regrets on a daily basis. I made so many awful mistakes and decisions when growing up and now they come back to haunt me. I've prayed over and over again that God would help me to forgive myself and forget about what I've done, just like He's done for me, but the enemy still creeps in and brings back the feelings of guilt and shame. But one thing I am starting to learn is that I am totally wasting away when I spend so much time worrying about my past. The other day I heard myself saying to someone "I wasted so much time focusing on other things when I was younger, that it really kept me from growing my faith. I mean...look at my faith now! I could have such a deeper relationship with Christ NOW if I hadn't wasted my time back then!" My husband is a marvelous man and he said to me, "If you are having those thoughts and feelings, then they are from the enemy! You know the Truth of the Cross, and it has washed away the shame, regret, fear, and sin from your past." And then to have him pray over me was just breathtaking. Embraced in not only the love of a wonderful husband, but also of Jesus my Savior!
Elizabeth Hunnicutt
Finally Feel Like Living
I heard somebody say,
"The worst decision you can make
is to make no decision"
& I think they may be right,
I'm still trying to decide
Oh this feels like a collision
Cause what if I regret some choice along the way
What if failure finally catches me
If I want to fly
I'm gonna have to say goodbye
& start a brand new way of life
That finally feels like living
& I've got to to try
Stop holding on to all these lies
I'm tired of wasting all this time
I finally feel like living
I could wait until I know
just what to do & where to go
But I might be here forever
I could surrender to my fears,
like I've done for all these years
& never know if it gets better
There's a chance that I might miss these old familiar walls
& these chains I couldn't even see
Oh I thought I was
But I wasn't living
I'm stepping out
Into a new beginning