Before getting pregnant I didn't quite realize how much my body would change once I became pregnant-physically, emotionally, and even mentally! Examples:
-Getting acne in my ears!!!
-Having to go to the bathroom more than once in an hour! And several times in the middle of the night-which cuts into my sleeping time!
-Really weird dreams!
-Crying a lot, especially when people make me angry!
-Random insomnia!
-Not being able to breathe after going up 2 flights of stairs!
-Searching for my keys when they are in the ignition AND the car is running-when does baby brain kick in?? Or looking for my phone when I'm holding it in my hand.
-Swollen/Sore feet!
-And even getting into the "protective mode" when I think my baby is in danger-like when kids try to kick or hit me in the belly at the daycare! I get very upset!
I am officially 14 weeks now and into the 2nd trimester! I am really excited to start showing and hopefully to feel the baby moving in the next month! I am majorly stressed with packing and moving this weekend, plus I am working all evening tonight and all day tomorrow-which means I have to be away from my hubby for the night! I am anxious for maternity leave once the baby comes because I won't have to worry about work at all and I can just focus on my wonderful family!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
It's Alive!
Last week Andrew and I had our first baby appointment with the midwife. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and it was AMAZING! I was starting to question whether there was actually a baby in there, especially when it took several minutes to find the heartbeat! Turns out baby is floating pretty high up in my uterus. The heartbeat was 162 which is our first hint that maybe it is a girl! We plan to find out the sex of the baby which will most likely take place in June when I am around 20 weeks.
I am currently 13 weeks and just heading into my 2nd trimester. Food is starting to taste better and I don't get nauseous nearly as much anymore, only when I get really hungry. I'm still pretty tired but it's probably from the stress of moving and work. My belly is small but I am starting to actually look pregnant. I've had some people give me pregnancy clothes and I have another gal who is going to let me scope out her garage sale for pregnancy clothes in the next couple weeks! Either way I'm going to need some pregnancy pants soon-the belly band just doesn't cut it sometimes!
Andrew and I will officially be moving in to our new house next Sunday! I have lots of packing to do before then. We are also going to be heading to the Isle Of Palms in South Carolina in mid May and I can't wait! Vacation will be so great-especially when it involves sitting on the beach next to the ocean!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Too Much to Do=STRESS
Life has been really crazy lately. There is so much to do and so little time to do it all! Andrew and I are officially moving out of our apartment on May 2nd, which gives us 2 weeks to finish up the inside of the house and pack everything! We've made lots of progress on some things: painting the baby room, living room, and dining room; but we still have lots to do: scraping wallpaper in our bedroom, painting our bedroom and office, and figuring out the kitchen. Our kitchen definitely needs updating but both Andrew and I agreed we would make do with what we have and update the kitchen in the next year. The cabinets aren't that good looking and are lined with mismatched/gross liners. I plan to find some sort of simple replacement to put on the inside of the cabinets/drawers so they aren't so gross looking. After we move in we will sand and repaint on the cabinets white and get new hardware which will make the kitchen look a lot better. Our goals for the summer are to get the outside of the house painted, maybe get a new garage door, maybe put in a small vegetable garden, and maybe get new windows. Not only am I anxious about getting the house done, but we have barely packed or moved anything!! I really need to get on top of that but I just don't have time. I am very busy with work, trying to keep up with pampered chef, and trying to get rest. It seems like all my free time is spent working on the house. I hoped I would be able to put pictures on here of our "house in progress" but I keep forgetting to bring the camera! Hopefully soon I will get some pictures up here!
On another note-I am 12 weeks pregnant and I keep jinxing myself. I go in phases where I feel great and food tastes good, but then once I say that I'm feeling better I get exhausted, sick, and then nothing tastes good. I really only get sick if I have lots of drainage-my gag reflex has been very sensitive lately! My belly is starting to get bigger and I am desperately searching for maternity clothes! I've gone to a few garage sales and left without anything. I had a $50 gift card for Target that I spent on 2 pairs of maternity shorts and a dress for vacation. I wore my shorts for the first time yesterday and LOVE THEM! They are so much more comfortable than my belly band and regular clothes! I have my first real doctor's appointment on Wednesday when we will for sure get to hear the first heartbeat! I can't wait!!!
On another note-I am 12 weeks pregnant and I keep jinxing myself. I go in phases where I feel great and food tastes good, but then once I say that I'm feeling better I get exhausted, sick, and then nothing tastes good. I really only get sick if I have lots of drainage-my gag reflex has been very sensitive lately! My belly is starting to get bigger and I am desperately searching for maternity clothes! I've gone to a few garage sales and left without anything. I had a $50 gift card for Target that I spent on 2 pairs of maternity shorts and a dress for vacation. I wore my shorts for the first time yesterday and LOVE THEM! They are so much more comfortable than my belly band and regular clothes! I have my first real doctor's appointment on Wednesday when we will for sure get to hear the first heartbeat! I can't wait!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's Not Easy Being Green...
Ever since Andrew and I got married we have been trying to find frugal/green ways to live. I started making my own laundry detergent about a year and a half ago. I haven't been staying on top of making it since we moved into our new apartment but I plan to start up again once we move into our new house. I have also recycled foam pump bottles and I refill them with a large jug of hand soap for our bathrooms/kitchen. We've had that jug of hand soap for almost a year now and it's still 3/4 of the way full! I am also in the process of using up/getting rid of our more toxic cleaning products and replacing them with items like baking soda, vinegar, and Green Work's products. Andrew and I also used to be really good at eating organic fruits, vegetables and meats-but of course neither of us really enjoy cooking in our small kitchen so we haven't been doing a very good job with that either. The good thing is that we have a huge area for a garden in the backyard of our new house and we plan to have an organic vegetable garden! I'm really excited about that. However, with a baby on the way I would really like to step it up a notch in using more "green products" or money saving ideas. I plan to use cloth diapers and cloth wipes once baby arrives. Do you have more ideas to make it "easy to be green"?
Monday, April 5, 2010
1/4 DONE!
I am officially 10 weeks pregnant, meaning I am a 1/4 of the way DONE being pregnant. Pregnancy has treated me well so far though and I'm hoping it will either continue to be just the same or even better! I am starting to get a little belly but not to the point where people can tell I'm pregnant, instead they probably just think I've gained a little weight around the waist. In the mornings I usually wake up and have a flat belly but by the end of the day I've got a little pouch! I thought I would take this opportunity to share the great story of how I found out I was pregnant.
I had been thinking I was pregnant for about a week. I was getting REALLY hungry all the time and was constantly eating. One Friday morning at the preschool I ate 4 bowls of cereal and then thought to myself "maybe I'm pregnant, I never eat this much!" So I went home and took a pregnancy test and there was barely a second line. Here's the picture!
I ran out to Andrew and said "Ok, there's a second line but it's really faint and so I want to see if you can see it, if you can then you know that means I'm pregnant right?" Andrew looked at it and could see the second line. I was really excited but Andrew was a little overwhelmed. I said I would wait and take another one in the morning to see if the line would be darker. And you know what, it was!
So then I was really excited and totally sure I was pregnant. Andrew and I decided we would wait atleast a week to let it sink it before we told our family. However, by the following Tuesday I was doubting whether I was pregnant and decided I needed to take just one more test. I was scheduled to go to the doctor that next Friday for the real confirmation but I just couldn't wait. So I took another test and it was definitely positive!
We went to the doctor that Friday and found out it was official and that I was due Oct. 31st. That night I also had to stay up all night at a young women's lock-in I had at my church and then I had a retreat the very next day for church council (so after having no sleep I was very emotional and tired). I ended up telling my dad the following day when I was really overwhelmed and crying alot, so he helped me set up how to tell the rest of the family on Sunday. We decided to gather the family together in the living room after church and Andrew would pretend that he had to tell everyone a joke. Once everyone was together Andrew said "Knock Knock" and everyone responded "Who's There" and I yelled "I'm Pregnant!" My mom thought we were actually joking but she eventually figured out that we were serious. Since then, Andrew and I have been taking random pictures of my growing waist (again, it still doesn't look like a preggo belly) and reading up in "What to Expect When You're Expecting."
I had been thinking I was pregnant for about a week. I was getting REALLY hungry all the time and was constantly eating. One Friday morning at the preschool I ate 4 bowls of cereal and then thought to myself "maybe I'm pregnant, I never eat this much!" So I went home and took a pregnancy test and there was barely a second line. Here's the picture!
I ran out to Andrew and said "Ok, there's a second line but it's really faint and so I want to see if you can see it, if you can then you know that means I'm pregnant right?" Andrew looked at it and could see the second line. I was really excited but Andrew was a little overwhelmed. I said I would wait and take another one in the morning to see if the line would be darker. And you know what, it was!
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